
SMART Local 9 Sheet Metal Workers’

Municipal Candidate Questionnaire


Dear Candidate;

SMART, the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers, is one of North America’s most dynamic and diverse unions with 208,000 members. SMART’s members ensure the quality of the air we breathe, promote energy efficiency, produce and provide the vital services that bring more products to market and passengers to their destinations. We are sheet metal workers, service technicians, bus operators, engineers, conductors, sign workers, welders, production employees and more. With members in scores of different occupations, we advocate for fairness in the workplace, excellence at work and opportunities for all working families in Colorado.

SMART Local 9 Sheet Metal Workers’ mission is to organize workers within the Sheet Metal industry to help provide our people with the best possible wages, benefits and working conditions, through training and craftsmanship, while always giving a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay.

Running for office is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences you can have in your lifetime. There is always room for hard-working candidates who fight for equality, raising wages, and improving the lives of working people. Thank you for your service to Colorado and your district.

Your consideration in the endorsement process for the SMART Local 9 Sheet Metal Workers’ union is contingent upon the completion of the following questionnaire. This questionnaire will be used internally by the SMART Local 9 Sheet Metal Workers’ Union and distributed only with the express authorization of the SMART Local 9 Sheet Metal Workers’ Union Executive Board.

In Solidarity,

Jon Alvino

Business Manager
Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 9

Endorsement Request

Are you in crisis?

SMOHIT has made a grief and trauma counselor available to SMART members and their families.

Simply call (877) 884-6227 for help.